Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend Road Ride and Past Rides

Road biking is another type of biking that I'm also interested in. It's a way to test exactly how fast you can go, and it allows you to go way further on a bike without getting tired. Saturday I participated in a 16 mile bike ride to help support the Rotary Club of North Platte, which had used the money from the event to go to the "Purple Pinkie Project." When people from different countries go to get vaccinated, instead of using computers to keep their records for when they were vaccinated, they dye one of their pinkies purple to help others know that that person was vaccinated. This was the first bike ride for this Rotary Club, and they had an excellent turn out with 25 people showing up to ride bike and support that cause. 

Getting ready to head out and to North Platte, with my dad and I's road bikes on the back. 

This was a different road ride that I participated in over the summer, a few of our friends from North Platte had headed up to Lake McConaughy, and my mom, dad, and I had decided to tag along. They would there stay the night at the Lake, and head back the next day; however, my parents and I had decided to ride up their and head back, getting us about 25 miles in for the day. Shortly after this picture we descended down a steep hill taking us towards the dam, and my dad and I reached speeds up to around 40 miles an hour on a road bike! Talk about an adrenaline rush!

With some nasty weather heading our way my mom decided to head back on the highway, and my dad and I had chosen to take a more unique route and ride back to town taking gravel roads! On a road bike with skinny tires! It was quite an experience, one I'll never forget, especially because we were trying to ride away from the storm at the same time. 

A picture taken from the bike of some cows in the distance, and the storm starting up. 

This is my road bike that I bought a couple years back. This bike is made by Giant, and I think this is a very reliable bike to have. 

So if you're ever seeking a huge adrenaline rush, then buy a road bike, because trust me, you can't go wrong with a bike!

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